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Welcome to my blog. I look forward to sharing ideas, talking about books, and whatever else that's interesting. Long ago, I kept an active blog about my journey as a mom with five young children. Those kids aren't quite so young anymore and my life's journey is changing and maturing, much like my children.

A little about me. My name is Molly, and I was born and raised in Texas. When I left home for college, I never planned on returning to Texas, but twenty years and eight states later, I came back. And while I'm not happy to be in the heat and humidity that southeast Texas has to offer, I am glad to be "home."

I've been a writer since I could hold a crayon. Growing up, I wrote books, plays, poems, and many short stories. It was a dream to become an author and in 2019, my dream came true. I published Fun Run. 2020 brought Social Hour, and 2021 brought Hazel Summer. I am excited to announce that this fall, my fourth book, A Merry Little Christmas, will be available.

What will come after that? I'm not sure. I've got no less than five completed manuscripts and all of them are in serious need of editing, but which one do I focus on next? I am hoping that you, dear reader, can help me as we go along.

So, I will finish this first blog post with a question: What is your favorite book of all time? An impossible question, I know. We'll discuss that next time. Feel free to leave comments, ideas, and thoughts. Happy day to y'all!

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